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Shao Ser

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а почему в городах не банятся адена селлеры, которые еще к тому же спамят в шаут? я не нахожу логичного объяснения почему в выходной день отправляя петишку двумя часами ранее я вижу окно не в бане на том же месте. WTF?

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1 минуту назад, Nmd сказал:

а почему в городах не банятся адена селлеры, которые еще к тому же спамят в шаут? я не нахожу логичного объяснения почему в выходной день отправляя петишку двумя часами ранее я вижу окно не в бане на том же месте. WTF?

Меня целый день не было в онлайне, возможно других сапортов тоже. Я как только пришел сразу забанил. Мы тоже люди и присутствует человеческие фактор такой как семья.

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13 minutes ago, k1ngsta said:

Hello, I am bot hunter. We have:

1) Automatic detection.

2) Bothunters

3) Report system (when you press it - command send to un your message about report with nickname) as like screen image.png

after we go to him and checking.

4) You can make ticket for bot in cabinete on master account. They take ticket and send to bothunters.

5) Banlist we have only for supports.


Do you have more questions?

1) Automatic Detection: ADRENALINE DETECTION? U know thats not true. I know people useing adrenaline on server. U know and I know that adrenaline bypasses your automatic detection.

2) Thats true. U have bot hunters but do u have still enough? How do i know that ur making your job if u dont give us feedback on that? Why there is no list of banned players for using bots for us? I think we deserve that kind of information.

3) I tryed to use that report button, and every time i tryed to use it the response is: "That person is in refusal mode".

4) Ok i will use that option next time.

5) Why? Why dont u inform us that ur making your job? U ask for proof of bots from us but u cant give us proof that u actually ban bots? 

And i have another question: why dont u use CAPTCHA SYSTEM? U made a very good server with lots of addons. U can implement that too... why dont u do it? It is the best weapon against botters. 

I want to play in this server, so please understand people like me that choose to play Lineage 2 with no adrenaline. It is a hard game and its unfare to play if u do nothing against guys that use automated programs for playing. I think u should improve your bot control. And i think u know that to. Go for the best option: CAPTCHA SYSTEM. And if ur not going for that, at least show us that u actually ban players creating a BAN LIST.

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  • Users Support
1 минуту назад, Shao Ser сказал:

1) Automatic Detection: ADRENALINE DETECTION? U know thats not true. I know people useing adrenaline on server. U know and I know that adrenaline bypasses your automatic detection.

2) Thats true. U have bot hunters but do u have still enough? How do i know that ur making your job if u dont give us feedback on that? Why there is no list of banned players for using bots for us? I think we deserve that kind of information.

3) I tryed to use that report button, and every time i tryed to use it the response is: "That person is in refusal mode".

4) Ok i will use that option next time.

5) Why? Why dont u inform us that ur making your job? U ask for proof of bots from us but u cant give us proof that u actually ban bots? 

And i have another question: why dont u use CAPTCHA SYSTEM? U made a very good server with lots of addons. U can implement that too... why dont u do it? It is the best weapon against botters. 

I want to play in this server, so please understand people like me that choose to play Lineage 2 with no adrenaline. It is a hard game and its unfare to play if u do nothing against guys that use automated programs for playing. I think u should improve your bot control. And i think u know that to. Go for the best option: CAPTCHA SYSTEM. And if ur not going for that, at least show us that u actually ban players creating a BAN LIST.

I send your message with captcha to developer. Can I help you yet?


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17 минут назад, Nmd сказал:

а почему в городах не банятся адена селлеры, которые еще к тому же спамят в шаут? я не нахожу логичного объяснения почему в выходной день отправляя петишку двумя часами ранее я вижу окно не в бане на том же месте. WTF?

справедливости ради стоит отметить, что я ни 1 бота не встретил, за дней 15 игры 

флудеров в шаут тоже

Edited by Nosochek (see edit history)
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42 минуты назад, Nmd сказал:

а почему в городах не банятся адена селлеры, которые еще к тому же спамят в шаут? я не нахожу логичного объяснения почему в выходной день отправляя петишку двумя часами ранее я вижу окно не в бане на том же месте. WTF?

Потому, что с ними бороться очень сложно. Их исправно банят, но проблема в том, что сменить HWID - не проблема в наше время. Для этого, в частности, я и добавлял запрет на торговые лавки до 7-го уровня, а так же на создание комнат в пати-матчинге, там тоже рекламировали подобное.


В данный момент мы задумываемся над ограничениями чатов до определённых уровней, что бы усложнить жизнь подобным личностям.

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Играю со старта сервера , встретил 1 бота - отправил репорт , через 2минуты этотого чара не стало . На этом проекте количество ботоводов крайне мало , что за нытье вы тут разводите , не понятно. Автор вообще не заслуживает потраченного на него времени , скинуть скрин с перепиской - шок. На сколько я знаю даже в топ пачках сервера начали прибанивать товарищей.

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2 hours ago, k1ngsta said:

for next time if you have questions or report you can write in ticket on master account.

Dude, this is something must be known. I will and hope next time u will be more prepared to beat ADRENALINE. Those guys are recomending this server coz is new and bot works here. They recommend also use bot WITH ONLY ONE CLIENT, and use support only on follow. So some guys said that they are botting here, u guys were checking them but u dont ban coz they seems legit.

So I want to know how do this server is going to fight against this. U can go to adrenaline forum and see guys talking about how to bot in this server and not be banned. 

If u cant protect your server against ADRENALINE, then just lets as all use it. At least thats going to be fare...

If not, then put a REAL ANTIBOT SYSTEM like CAPTCHA, who fucksss adrenaline. 

U didnt give me any aswer about the ADRENALINE problem.

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  • Users Support
11 часов назад, Shao Ser сказал:

Dude, this is something must be known. I will and hope next time u will be more prepared to beat ADRENALINE. Those guys are recomending this server coz is new and bot works here. They recommend also use bot WITH ONLY ONE CLIENT, and use support only on follow. So some guys said that they are botting here, u guys were checking them but u dont ban coz they seems legit.

So I want to know how do this server is going to fight against this. U can go to adrenaline forum and see guys talking about how to bot in this server and not be banned. 

If u cant protect your server against ADRENALINE, then just lets as all use it. At least thats going to be fare...

If not, then put a REAL ANTIBOT SYSTEM like CAPTCHA, who fucksss adrenaline. 

U didnt give me any aswer about the ADRENALINE problem.

Smart Guard now is best antibot system. We make all for block peoples who use bot, but all bots we cant block because when guard update defence - adrenalin update his bot in 1-2 days. He work on all servers. Captcha for bot is not problem, because he have alarm for captcha. We know alot of bots, please give to us this problem (this our work).

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