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  1. How did you know about our new start? from https://forum.lineage2.com.pl/
  2. What do you want to see on project Valhalla-Age? The server not for 2 weeks only
  3. What chronicles of the L2 world do you prefer? any chronicle without pvp bust store
  4. Write the name of your Const Party / clan / nickname in the game. If you are a solo player, then specify only a nickname. Runiasty
  5. In what rewards are you interested in, as a player, for similar promotions (within reason)? Smaller rewards like unique accessories
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  1. ow did you know about our new start?
    It from my friend
  2. What do you want to see on project Valhalla-Age?
    Active people online for more that a few weeks.
  3. What chronicles of the L2 world do you prefer?
  4. Write the name of your Const Party / clan / nickname in the game. If you are a solo player, then specify only a nickname.
    Heroes clan
  5. In what rewards are you interested in, as a player, for similar promotions (within reason)?
    Unit, premium club card
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  1. How long have you been playing on our project?
    Since Remastered project #1
  2. What was your most vivid memory on our server?
    The entire first server was epic
  3. How did you know about Valhalla-Age first time?
    Papa Doggy
  4. Write the name of your Const Party / clan / nickname in the game. If you are a solo player, then specify only a nickname.
    Nova / Blackrock / Dianabol-Moscow-Corona
  5. In what rewards are you interested in, as a player, for similar promotions (within reason)?
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How did you know about our new start? friend
What do you want to see on project Valhalla-Age? Olympiad
What chronicles of the L2 world do you prefer? Classic
Write the name of your Const Party / clan / nickname in the game. If you are a solo player, then specify only a nickname. CP AsD
In what rewards are you interested in, as a player, for similar promotions (within reason)? Costumes!

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  1. How did you know about our new start? From friends
  2. What do you want to see on project Valhalla-Age? Long stable server without start lags
  3. What chronicles of the L2 world do you prefer? L2 Remasterd best :) 
    1. Write the name of your Const Party / clan / nickname in the game. If you are a solo player, then specify only a nickname. GoBack
  4. In what rewards are you interested in, as a player, for similar promotions (within reason)? Some exp boosts :)
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  1. How long have you been playing on our project? prbl around 2-3 years
  2. What was your most vivid memory on our server? Big wars , tons of players and amazing time 
  3. How did you know about Valhalla-Age first time? from clan mate 
  4. Write the name of your Const Party / clan / nickname in the game. If you are a solo player, then specify only a nickname. AzO
  5. In what rewards are you interested in, as a player, for similar promotions (within reason)? Well i'm planing to play here for a long time now so i don't mind for any free staff :)
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  1. How long have you been playing on our project? i played the first 2 chapters of the previous project
  2. What was your most vivid memory on our server? busy server. Unique content, great gameplay
  3. How did you know about Valhalla-Age first time? by external websites (viote sites)
  4. Write the name of your Const Party / clan / nickname in the game. If you are a solo player, then specify only a nickname. DonPaco , Pietertje
  5. In what rewards are you interested in, as a player, for similar promotions (within reason)? premium account, unlimited Club Card. accessories, mounts
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  1. How long have you been playing on our project? since second server
  2. What was your most vivid memory on our server? a good community
  3. How did you know about Valhalla-Age first time? from l2 site
  4. Write the name of your Const Party / clan / nickname in the game. If you are a solo player, then specify only a nickname. Arssten
  5. In what rewards are you interested in, as a player, for similar promotions (within reason)? as a solo player i will be glad to get something to boost farm
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  1. Как давно ты играешь в нашем проекте? Все старты кроме 3его
  2. Какое ваше самое яркое воспоминание на нашем сервере? Первый Антарас на 2ом старте
  3. Как вы впервые узнали о Valhalla-Age? New-lineage.ru
  4. Напишите название вашей постоянной партии / клана / никнейма в игре. Если вы соло-игрок, то указывайте только ник. TheNextLvLPlay
  5. Какие награды вас как игрока интересуют за аналогичные акции (в разумных пределах)? Шапки вполне достаточно, ну может рунку на час еще
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  1. How did you know about our new start? From announcement on youtube
  2. What do you want to see on project Valhalla-Age? Good economy, and good community
  3. What chronicles of the L2 world do you prefer? Gracia Final
  4. Write the name of your Const Party / clan / nickname in the game. If you are a solo player, then specify only a nickname. Nick : Cloe, Eolc, Bary
  5. In what rewards are you interested in, as a player, for similar promotions (within reason)? unlimited offline shop ticket, Club Card, some accessories
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  1. How long have you been playing on our project?
    Second season
  2. What was your most vivid memory on our server?
    baium fights 
  3. How did you know about Valhalla-Age first time?
    friend invited me
  4. Write the name of your Const Party / clan / nickname in the game. If you are a solo player, then specify only a nickname.


  1. In what rewards are you interested in, as a player, for similar promotions (within reason)?
    Exp boosts
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On 7/29/2020 at 1:19 PM, Vanilla said:
  • How did you know about our new start? Some L2 forum, dont remember site, maybe pmfun
  • What do you want to see on project Valhalla-Age? Active server for long time with active people and clans
  • What chronicles of the L2 world do you prefer? Interlude
  • Write the name of your Const Party / clan / nickname in the game. If you are a solo player, then specify only a nickname. cepo
  • In what rewards are you interested in, as a player, for similar promotions (within reason)? more exp/drop, premium account


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  1. How long have you been playing on our project: above 3 months
  2. What was your most vivid memory on our server: Pvp at every spot!
  3. How did you know about Valhalla-Age first time: i think that was fb advertisements 
  4. Write the name of your Const Party / clan / nickname in the game. If you are a solo player, then specify only a nickname: My nick: QxQ and we play as "small cp" QFamilly
  5. In what rewards are you interested in, as a player, for similar promotions (within reason): Accesories or Cloak
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  • How did you know about our new start? From hopzone/pmfun forums, years ago
  • What do you want to see on project Valhalla-Age? A lot of clan fights and balanced classes
  • What chronicles of the L2 world do you prefer? Interlude with remastered client with more playable then 7 classes game
  • Write the name of your Const Party / clan / nickname in the game. If you are a solo player, then specify only a nickname. DuTsI - nick / Woy gaming -cp / BlackRock and Gangland clans
  • In what rewards are you interested in, as a player, for similar promotions (within reason)? XP boost, Coins or some useful in-game stuff
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  1. How long have you been playing on our project?
  2. I played 3 month on the server before
  3. What was your most vivid memory on our server?
  4. Mass pvp 
  5. How did you know about Valhalla-Age first time?
  6. Google for l2 servers
  7. Write the name of your Const Party / clan / nickname in the game. If you are a solo player, then specify only a nickname.
  8. Murk Cp / Alioth
  9. In what rewards are you interested in, as a player, for similar promotions (within reason)?
  10. Exp Reward Runes, Buffs rewards, unitys, or cupons to increase the inventory and Aghations or accesories 
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