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Posts posted by iodine

  1. 11 hours ago, speedo said:

    Miki is not 1 person either, do not lie to yourself, there are a couple of live dd, TC, a wife on Hill, and a support on a mouse which is prohibited. The efficiency of his mini pack is much more than some of your main packs. 

    в качестве примечания, я прочитал только этот пост выше, а не предыдущие 500 страниц!

    Я один 85% времени. Самый большой пакет (от Nova), в который я играл за последние 6 месяцев, - это 3 игрока.

    Это очень очевидно, когда люди играют с моими саппортами или только с моими макросами. Извините, ребята, здесь нет программного обеспечения. Если бы я использовал программное обеспечение, вы бы это знали).

    Я из старой гвардии официальных игроков, играл на 7 аккаунтах одновременно руками в 2009 году, когда большинство из вас не умели убивать кроликов на Talking Island).

    Будь счастлив, у меня нет полной группы. На первом сервере у нас было максимум 5 игроков, мы взяли всех героев и выиграли все пвп против тыквенного патча).

    Я приму комплимент, что, по вашему мнению, я использую программное обеспечение, поэтому спасибо.

    Может быть, однажды я сделаю ФРАПЫ того, как я играю в пвп на шести окнах, и твоя маленькая голова может растаять.

  2. 13 hours ago, api said:

    Good morning. This topic aims to find out how best to distinguish between events on a unified server. On the agenda:


    • Normal Olympiad (Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday), from 18:00 hours, the limit of 70 fights
    • Olympics of the new server (Friday and Saturday), from 14:00 hours, the limit of 35 battles for 1 day
    • Hybrid version of the Olympiad (option in the subject)


    • Normal siege (Sunday), at 16 and 20 hours, time 2 hours.
    • Siege of the new server (Sunday), 20 hours, time 1 hour.

    Territorial Wars

    • Ordinary territorial wars (Saturday) at 20 hours, time 2 hours.
    • Territorial wars of the new server (Sunday) at 19 hours, time 1 hour.

    The 35 fights per day is very unfair for people outside of Moscow timezone, we cannot participate on Fridays, so we miss all 35 matches. Only can participate on Saturdays for 35. With 70 per week limit, we can do all 70 in 1 day, this is much more fair.

    Alternatively, you can hold the Olympic Games for 2 days a week with a limit of 70 per week, not 35 per day. That would be the best solution in my opinion.


    35 боев в день очень несправедливы для людей за пределами московского часового пояса, мы не можем участвовать по пятницам, поэтому пропускаем все 35 матчей. Участвовать можно только по субботам за 35. С лимитом 70 в неделю мы можем делать все 70 за 1 день, это намного справедливее.  

    В качестве альтернативы, вы можете проводить олимпийские игры в течение 2 дней в неделю с ограничением 70 в неделю, а не 35 в день. Это было бы лучшим решением на мой взгляд.



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  3. проблема присуща VITALITY.

    VITALITY увеличивает бонус XP, но не влияет на количество DROP, SPOIL или Adena. Это создает более высокие уровни, и игроки чувствуют себя «бедными». Либо VITALITY должен быть удален, либо DROP / Adena / Damage должен быть бонусом, а не опытом.

    Прямо сейчас у нас есть 3x EXP 3x DROP, это плохо. Это должно быть соотношение 1: 2, более или менее. Таким образом, с 3x EXP вам нужно 6x адена или 2x EXP, затем 4x адена и т. Д.

    Короче говоря, вы продвигаетесь слишком быстро из-за жизненной силы и отсутствия адены. Это та же проблема, что и на официальных серверах Classic. Это легко исправить.

  4. Если бы кто-нибудь из вас играл на официальном сервере, вы бы понимали больше механики. Или если бы использовали свой мозг хоть раз, то поняли, что это не баг, а нормальная игровая механика. Вы планете из-за того, что вас обыграли более умелые игроки.

    Спасибо, @Frigg, извини за глупости людей, которые тебе приходится терпеть.

  5. image.php?di=NHW1.png Option 1 | Honorary resident of Valhalla
    This option is suit for those who play not the first time on our project.

    1. How long have you been playing on our project?
      • Since launch day, March 1, 2019
    2. What was your most vivid memory on our server?
      • The massive market, so many people... this is very different from NCSoft official servers.  Much better!
    3. How did you know about Valhalla-Age first time?
      • From another player, on NCSoft Classic.
    4. Write the name of your Const Party / clan / nickname in the game. If you are a solo player, then specify only a nickname.
      • Nova Clan
    5. In what rewards are you interested in, as a player, for similar promotions (within reason)?
      • Eva's Runes! Units/Adena.  Nothing else.
  6. On 11/18/2019 at 12:53 PM, Frigg said:

    Друзья, данная тема создана для конструктивных, продуктивных и логичных предложений на тему слияния сервера олд и нью. Вы начали активно об этом говорить и выдвигать свои идеи / мысли. Предлагаю их собрать в одной теме, чтобы не потерять. 

    Примите к сведению, что не факт, что ваше предложение будет реализовано. Адекватные и полезные моменты мы попытаемся учесть. 

    Р.S. Слияние сервером будет, но когда точно - еще говорить рано. Обсуждать можно уже сейчас. 

    Русская версия:
    У меня изначально были противоречивые чувства после прочтения этого поста о слиянии серверов. Первой моей мыслью было то, что опасения игроков НОВОГО сервера законны. Возможно, нам следует подождать несколько месяцев, может быть, должны быть ограничения на игроков Старого сервера. Когда я задумался об этом более глубоко, я понял, что почти ни одна из этих проблем на самом деле не имеет значения и не повлияет на работу нового объединенного сервера.

    Честно говоря, объединение серверов не очень важно для людей на НОВОМ сервере. Новых игроков на сервере тысячи, и они сохранят контроль над всеми вещами (Олимпийские игры, Замки, Эпосы).

    На старом сервере у вас может быть 30-40 игроков в клане TARUKI, около 2-3 из них играют на Олимпийских играх. Также около 5 игроков в клане NOVA, которые участвуют в Олимпийских играх. Игроки NOVA не русские и не могут участвовать в большинстве эпических набегов или осадах замка.

    Все TARUKI имеют хорошее оборудование и каждый EPIC, все, что им может понадобиться. У NOVA хорошее оборудование и отточенные навыки, но мало EPIC. Даже в совокупности этих игроков немного по сравнению с масштабом нового сервера. Тысячи против десятков.

    Единственное ограничение, которое я бы поддержал, заключается в том, что любые клановые залы, замки, форты и т. Д. Должны сохранять право собственности на НОВОМ сервере. Старый сервер должен быть объединен с НОВЫМ сервером, а не наоборот. Это честный компромисс на мой взгляд и логичный.

    Короче говоря, вам действительно не о чем беспокоиться.


    English Version:

    I thought about this for a bit before I replied.  I originally had conflicting feelings after reading this post about the server merger.  My first thought was that the concerns of the NEW server players are legitimate.  Maybe we should wait a few months, maybe there should be restrictions on the Old server players.  As I thought more deeply about it, I realized that almost none of those concerns actually matter, and will not influence the new combined server going forward.

    Honestly, the combination of servers is not very consequential for the people on the NEW server.  The new server players are thousands and will retain control of all things (Olympics, Castles, Epics). 

    On the old Server, you have maybe 30-40 players in the clan TARUKI with about 2-3 of them play in the Olympics.  Also about 5 players in Nova clan who participate in the Olympics.  Nova players are not Russian and cannot compete for most Epic raids or castle sieges.

    TARUKI all have good equipment and every epic jewel, everything they could need.  Nova have good equipment and sharpened skills but zero epic jewels.  Even combined, these players are few when compared to the scale of the new server.  Thousands versus dozens.

    The only restriction I would support is, any clan halls, castles, forts, etc should retain ownership from the NEW server.  The Old server should be merged into the NEW server, rather than the other way around.  This is a fair compromise in my opinion and logical.

    In short, you really have very little to worry about.

    Thank you for the voice of reason.
    Спасибо за голос разума.

    Thank you for the opportunity to post.
    Спасибо за возможность обсудить.

    • Like 3
  7. On 8/1/2019 at 11:47 AM, Frenz said:

    Sample application

    1. Is there any experience playing on Interlude servers and which one?
    2. Is there any experience playing High Five servers and which one?
    3. Did you play the first opening of the L2R?
    4. How much time can you spend on testing?

    1. Interlude L2NA Official - Hindemith, Phoenix, Sayha, Chronos, Naia, the entire time it was out, from Prelude through GOD (2004 - 2018).

    2. High Five L2NA Official - Hindemith, Phoenix, Sayha, Chronos, Naia, the entire time it was out, from Prelude through GOD (2004 - 2018).

    3. Still playing daily since Launch - 54 days in game time with Hero Titan.  I probably have more useless L2 knowledge than any other breathing human :P

    4. I play a few hours a day actively on the first server (3-5 avg/day).

  8. On 5/18/2019 at 3:29 PM, sanneh said:

    I've had a late start on this server, I joined at the end of April, when the "cool kids" of L2 scene already change servers after 2 months. This is a sad thing, because this server is the best server I have ever seen. It has all the perfect features, like the Classic client and a mix of features from every chronicle. Because it is fairly low rate at 3x rates my progress is slow, plus I don't have much time during the week to play. But still I want to keep playing, but it's not going to be worth it if the server closes tomorrow. I have supported the server and would like to see it's continued success and arrival of new players every day!



    Agreed, who cares about those people, they are nothing.  Just need more players :)  Retail has survived for years with under 1000 players.  


    I will stay and continue to support the server as well.

  9. On 5/3/2019 at 8:32 AM, Magyukfyr said:

    IMHO the most disbalancing things on oly are augmentations and OE (more than 6) equipment.

    That's how the game is supposed to be.

    Olympiad is a contest of organization, efficiency, and (least) player skill.  It's not meant to be an arena match with even odds may the lowest ping/best player win.  It's far more interesting this way, because strategy is king, not gear or mechanical skill.

    You just need someone running olympiad who has experience on a real server where Olympiad was hyper competitive for years :) 

  10. I always thought it made Olympiad far more interesting when it overlapped with sieges at the end of the month.  Shame to that change.


    Otherwise, bravo, I am very excited by Hellbound.

    Hunting Hellbound will be very difficult without counter-critical buff working properly.  Something I have mentioned before.  Please restore it to its former glory :)

    Please do not add daily quests, they were one of the worst things about retail L2.  Makes the game feel like a job.

    Will "upgrading S grade equipment" be through the traditional hellbound quest? Tomes of Demon or whatever they were called?  To make Dynasty armor.



  11. "1)There is no such thing as ping disadvantage because of different proxies that the server provides and i never mentioned that there is  ping/lag issue. If i had such thing it would be different and i wouldn't be talking about people that can shoot skills through walls. I can see the difference between a skill not seen because of delay/lag and the fact that there are gaps in oly that are used so people can hit someone freely."

    This literally makes no sense.  I absolutely have a different ping than Russians.  Why would you even say that?  It's obvious and just physical distance.  The proxies do not equalize ping, I'm not sure where you got that idea.  It sounds like all of the assumptions I made were spot on; class, location, ping, etc.

    It's game mechanics about shooting around corners, and it is ping related.  Play on L2 official with 10- ping and that does not happen.  It has to do with the server's lag in communicating with your client.  As the server sees it, you were not line of sighted, but by the time you see them hitting you you were; and so on.   It is possible that the "mechanics" for physical skills and magic are different, which could result in different line of sight equations.  That may be what you mean, in more precise terms.

  12. Is this possible to fix?  Yoko informed me on Discord that SmartGuard currently blocks ping improvement programs and there is no work around.

    Playing from NA (and spending money from NA) could be considerably more attractive on this server if we could utilize programs like Battle Ping and WTFast to connect to improve our ping.

    Right now my ping allows me to pve and do some pvp but nothing super competitive like Olympiad, which is a shame.

  13. On 4/5/2019 at 1:27 PM, Nagiri said:

    People keep abusing the fact that you can hit through walls and through certain gaps in oly. Mages hit you with slow spells through walls, elders rooting you and you get a 'cannot see target' message while they can hit you. Either fix it or just disable olympiad.

    This sounds like a ping problem.  Given that you are posting in English and this is a Russian server, I'm guessing you are at a ping disadvantage.  Also ping helping programs like BattlePing and WTFast are blocked by SmartGuard, so GG there.

    You have to play a class that can handle ping disadvantage better - i.e. not a melee without a gap close; and something that has durability.  You should have thought of this before you started.

    Play a mage or healer for best results.

  14. Thank you for looking into it, I look forward to playing my prophet ;) I also think the dagger community will thank you too.

    Right now there's not even a reason to level it up :P.  Prophet is the pure buffer class, yet the only unique buff it offers is Earth Resistance.  Every other buff is covered by other essential classes (even warlock and Kookuburras have bts), and Chant of Victory is superior in every way to POF.  It's kind of silly :)

  15. Hello,

    Thank you for the translation.



    Counter Critical (can be learned at 79 level) - Attention! It is a complete analogue of Chant of Protection, it can not be used together with the analogue and does not give a bonus to physical. attack. 


    Great Fury (can be learned at 78 level) - Creates chance of activating Great Fury on a party member if Burning Chop is in use.


    This is a bit unfair. 

    Warcryer (most popular buffer) gets the full effect of level 83 skill (from retail L2), but Prophet gets same skill as WC gets at level 78 (chant of protection) at 79 without the offensive output (100% critical damage on proc), this is the only reason for even making the prophet class.  You will kill the class entirely with this change.

    Please add the critical damage proc back into the game.  If it's for balance, add something else new in place of it.  As it is right now the class will not exist at all.  This will also destroy the dagger class end game as well as other melee classes.



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