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Everything posted by Vanilla

  1. Изменить язык: Dear players! The refrigerator is already clogged with various products and mayonnaise for the New Year's table Tomorrow is the last day of 2019, but not everyone has a festive mood. So let's share the holiday with everyone? I think everyone in the house has a tradition of putting a Christmas tree for the New Year. Perhaps someone has a Christmas tree since last year But the Christmas tree also needs to be decorated so that the house becomes cozy and warm from the upcoming holiday! Show us how you decorated the Christmas tree this year and get good prizes from the best and most beloved project - Valhalla-Age And here is an example of work* Conditions: At work should be present name of our project "Valhalla-Age". Inscription shouldn't be written in a graphics editor. Post your work here. Your Christmas tree should be present at contest work Rewards: 1st place - 200 Units to Master Account balance; 2nd place - Costume + Accessory - for your choice; 3rd place - Costume for your choice; All participants will receive 500 Forum Units to Forum Account balance and 3 Valhalla Red Socks. * Works are accepted until January 7, 2020. Discussion.
  2. У нас есть база знаний - https://valhalla-age.net/info/?show=skills&type=certification Тут можно найти информацию о умениях. Про базу знаний на сайте, она будет дополняться. Передам, чтобы там появилась и информация о умениях подкласса
  3. Change language: Dear players! Our team congratulate your with New Year 2020! For coming holiday, we decided to create a new New Year event. During event, you can get useful items for leveling your characters and feel Christmas with decorating Christmas trees Event time on Merged Server: Start - December 25, 2019 End - January 12, 2020 Event Description For killing mobs you will receive Christmas items Christmas Dust for Decoration Flower Pot Fir Tree Branch Star Ornament Globe Ornament Garland Ornament Bow Ornament In all towns you can find Greybeard Santa Claus From Greybeard Santa Claus, you can exchange Pot and Branches for ordinary Christmas trees that cannot be placed and they do not give any effects: Fir Tree Big Fir Tree From Greybeard Santa Claus, you can decorate received Christmas trees, for this you will need decorations for Christmas tree: Christmas Tree - to get you need: 30 Branches and 1 Pot; Special Christmas Tree - to get you need: 60 Branches and 1 Pot. Christmas trees - you can place anywhere, near Christmas Trees characters will receive a positive effect: New Year Mood - running speed +20, duration 60 seconds To get better effects from New Year trees - they can be improved with Greybeard Santa Claus for New Year Dust for Decoration: For 20 New Year Dust and 2 Big New Year Trees you will receive Big New Year Tree of Level 1; Big Christmas Tree can be upgraded to level 4. Effects from Improved Christmas Trees: Christmas Tree Level 1 - Vitality energy is restored when killing mobs, effect level 1. P.attack + 1%, M.attack + 2%; Christmas Tree Level 2 - Vitality energy is restored when killing mobs, effect level 2. P.attack + 2%, M.attack + 4%; Christmas Tree Level 3 - Vitality energy is restored when killing mobs, effect level 3. P.attack + 3%, M.attack + 6%; Christmas Tree Level 4 - Vitality energy is restored when killing mobs, effect level 4. P.attack + 4%, M.attack + 8%; You can give to Santa Claus Milk and cookie If you get Milk and Cookies - you can give them to Santa Claus, for this he will be grateful to you and give: Remembering Last Year (Wind) - for 5 minutes you feel effect of Prophecy of Wind; Remembering Last Year (Fire) - for 5 minutes you feel effect of Prophecy of Fire; Remembering Last Year (Water) - for 5 minutes you feel effect of Prophecy of Water. Santa Claus assistant Near Santa Claus is always his assistant Snowman Angry Turkey from time to time try to kidnap Snowman When Turkey take Snowman - Santa Claus asks for help in global chat! Players can teleport to Snowman using Transformation Scepter, which they receive automatically after start of event. Players task is to break Evil Turkey and turn back him away! After Evil Turkey is defeated, Snowman returns to his place to Santa Claus. All players who helped save Snowman get: Milk - this can treat Santa Claus to receive a gift. Cookie - this can treat Santa Claus to receive a gift. Buff Thanks of Snowman - Increases drop, adena, spoil for 1 hour by 30%. Character who givie last hit to Turkey - gets: 1 Santa's Bag Reward is received by players with 2nd professions and 60+ levels. Santa Claus will not trade and talk with players until Snowman is released from captivity of Evil Turkey. Products from Greybeard Santa Claus You can purchase items for New Year's Dust and Units: 1 New Year Gift - for 100 New Year Dust for Decoration; 1 Rudolph's Necklace - for 1000 New Year Dust for Decoration; 1 Santa's Bag - per 10 Unit. What can I get if I open New Year Gift What can I get from bag of Santa Claus We grow Deer Rudolph If you get 1 Rudolph's necklace, you will be able to call young deer. To grow it you need to feed it Rudolph's feed. When Rudolph grows up, he will want you from time to time stroked it. So Rudolph signals that he wants to be stroked: Each time you stroke Rudolph, his sympathy scale will be filled by 25%, and you will receive positive buff: - Freez vitality points, increases chance of physical. critical hit + 30%, chance of magic critical hit +2. Duration 10 minutes. When sympathy scale fills up to 99% - Rudolph will no longer ask to stroke him.
  4. Ваше сообщение промодерировано, теперь можете писать на форуме
  5. Данное голосование легко абузить
  6. Награда за голосование на ММТОП отсутствует
  7. Please publish your screenshots in other topic.
  8. Изменить язык: Dear players! Have you missed the events with Game Masters? We will not let you lose heart, it's time to play! Server: L2R New The date of the: December 11 Start time: 19:00 (GMT+3) Number of locations: 5 Rules: In the system chat will be announced a hint of the location; In this place you need to find the excess, that is, something that should not be there (NPC, item, monster from another location, etc.); To confirm the find, you need to take a screenshot of your character near the excess; Screenshot needs to be posted in another topic; Forbidden to edit the published post - disqualification; Forbidden to use other players screenshots - disqualification; The player who first posts the screenshot with the correct answer receives the main prize; Participants who give the correct answer but are not the first will receive consolation prizes; The prize (main and consolation) can be received only once. Prizes: Valhalla Red Sock; Macaroon (3); Scroll: More SP (5); Mount Bracelet - Darkmane Pacer (Stealth). Consolation prize: Valhalla Red Sock. Example screenshot: Good luck and fast legs
  9. Это стандартная механика работы курочек на PTS сборках HF хроник. Делайте макроссы на атаку видн страйком курочки и нет проблем
  10. Планируем сделать свой ивент с елочками
  11. Изменить язык: Dear players! It's time to get distracted and relax in the search event Server: L2R New The date of the: December 2 Start time: 19:00 (GMT+3) Rules: In the system chat will be written town; In this town you need to find a character who will sell Gift of Valhalla (Special Item); The one who will be the first to buy Gift of Valhalla will win; The first player who bought Gift of Valhalla from the right character, we will give a Bonus Code in the PM; There will be 10 winners, you cannot win again. Prizes: Valhalla Red Sock; Macaroon (3); Pirate Special Fruit (3); Weapon Stone: increase chance of enchant (Grade-S) 10%. Good luck and fast legs
  12. Немного не поняла вопроса. Есть временные бонус коды - их время тикает с их создания. Есть одноразовые бонус коды, они будут использованы как только Вы активируете их в своем Мастер Аккаунте.
  13. https://vk.com/valhallaageru?w=app5748831_-148849805 подписываемся на рассылку, каждое воскресенье виталочку высылаю бонус кодом для подписчиков рассылки
  14. Оригинал всегда лучше фейка. Вся статистика написана выше в сообщениях Секонда. Все статы имеются в каждой серьге, но лучше оригинал.
  15. Еще раз повторю, что вирусов в нашем клиенте нет. Отключите защитник и пройдитесь фулл чеком через апдейтер, потому что защитник уже скушай файлы клиента.
  16. В нашем клиенте нету вирусов. Отключите защитник и сделайте фул чек через апдейтер.
  17. Серверов 2017 года не существует, а значит и персонажей на них. Сейчас у нас новый проект Remastered - https://valhalla-age.ru/new
  18. Старых серверов больше не существует. Сейчас у нас есть два сервера L2R Old и New. Планируем их объединить в ближайшем будущем
  19. Дроп с монстров соответствует любой базе знаний Interlude. https://valhalla-age.ru/info/?show=npcs&type=level&level1=71&level2=80
  20. Vanilla


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